Date | HS Code | Importer | Exporter | Product Description | Country of Origin | Destination Country | Port of Loading | Port of Discharge | Weight | (unit) | Quantity | (unit) | Value | (unit) | More |
2020-02-29 | INVOICE NO. SLC-379-2020. DT:08-01-20 ORDER NO.2049 DT:19-09-19 F.E.NO.MCB-20 20-0000001546 DT:09-01-20 DDC AND FREIGHT PREPAID H.S. CODES 14184-PRS. L EATHER G L O V E S 4203. 2 910 5487-PCS. 100% COTTON GARMENTS 6202.4200 480- PCS. B A G S 6116.1000 800 | 53551, PORT QASIM | 4601, NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA, NEWARK, NJ |
| KG |
| CTN |
| USD |
Date | HS Code | Importer | Exporter | Product Description | Country of Origin | Destination Country | Port of Loading | Port of Discharge | Weight | (unit) | Quantity | (unit) | Value | (unit) | More |
2020-02-29 | INVOICE NO. SLC-379-2020. DT:08-01-20 ORDER NO.2049 DT:19-09-19 F.E.NO.MCB-20 20-0000001546 DT:09-01-20 DDC AND FREIGHT PREPAID H.S. CODES 14184-PRS. L EATHER G L O V E S 4203. 2 910 5487-PCS. 100% COTTON GARMENTS 6202.4200 480- PCS. B A G S 6116.1000 800 | 53551, PORT QASIM | 4601, NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA, NEWARK, NJ |
| KG |
| CTN |
| USD |