Date | HS Code | Importer | Exporter | Product Description | Country of Origin | Destination Country | Port of Loading | Port of Discharge | Weight | (unit) | Quantity | (unit) | Value | (unit) | More |
2020-11-24 | Pharmaceuticals: Cravit 1.5% (Levofloxacin Hydrate 15mg / ml), Ophthalmic solution; Box 1 5ml vials. Lot: 1CV0178; 1CV0186. NSX: 4; 9/2020. HD: 4; 9/2023. VN-20214-16. (Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd- Factory Noto);Tân dược: Cravit 1.5% (Levofloxacin hydrat 15mg/ml), Dung dịch nhỏ mắt; Hộp 1 lọ 5ml. Lot: 1CV0178;1CV0186. NSX: 4;9/2020. HD: 4;9/2023. VN-20214-16. (Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd- Nhà máy Noto) | KOBE - HYOGO | CANG CAT LAI (HCM) |
| KG |
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| USD |
Date | HS Code | Importer | Exporter | Product Description | Country of Origin | Destination Country | Port of Loading | Port of Discharge | Weight | (unit) | Quantity | (unit) | Value | (unit) | More |
2020-11-24 | Pharmaceuticals: Cravit 1.5% (Levofloxacin Hydrate 15mg / ml), Ophthalmic solution; Box 1 5ml vials. Lot: 1CV0178; 1CV0186. NSX: 4; 9/2020. HD: 4; 9/2023. VN-20214-16. (Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd- Factory Noto);Tân dược: Cravit 1.5% (Levofloxacin hydrat 15mg/ml), Dung dịch nhỏ mắt; Hộp 1 lọ 5ml. Lot: 1CV0178;1CV0186. NSX: 4;9/2020. HD: 4;9/2023. VN-20214-16. (Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd- Nhà máy Noto) | KOBE - HYOGO | CANG CAT LAI (HCM) |
| KG |
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