Date | HS Code | Importer | Exporter | Product Description | Country of Origin | Destination Country | Port of Loading | Port of Discharge | Weight | (unit) | Quantity | (unit) | Value | (unit) | More |
2022-02-24 | Flashback Arrestor FR -20 for AC + OX - Acetylene fireproof valve and oxygen with copper alloy, 100% new products used in the maritime industry;FLASHBACK ARRESTOR FR -20 FOR AC + OX - Van chống cháy ngược khí Acetylene và oxy bằng hợp kim đồng, hàng mới 100% dùng trong ngành hàng hải | SINGAPORE | CANG ICD PHUOCLONG 3 |
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2022-02-24 | Twin Valve Unit F / Outlet - Ox + AC gas duct blocking valve at the welding gas distribution station with copper alloy, used in the maritime industry, 100% new products;TWIN VALVE UNIT F/OUTLET - Van chặn ống dẫn khí OX+AC ở trạm phân phối khí hàn cắt bằng hợp kim đồng, dùng trong ngành hàng hải, hàng mới 100% | SINGAPORE | CANG ICD PHUOCLONG 3 |
| KG |
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Date | HS Code | Importer | Exporter | Product Description | Country of Origin | Destination Country | Port of Loading | Port of Discharge | Weight | (unit) | Quantity | (unit) | Value | (unit) | More |
2022-02-24 | Flashback Arrestor FR -20 for AC + OX - Acetylene fireproof valve and oxygen with copper alloy, 100% new products used in the maritime industry;FLASHBACK ARRESTOR FR -20 FOR AC + OX - Van chống cháy ngược khí Acetylene và oxy bằng hợp kim đồng, hàng mới 100% dùng trong ngành hàng hải | SINGAPORE | CANG ICD PHUOCLONG 3 |
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2022-02-24 | Twin Valve Unit F / Outlet - Ox + AC gas duct blocking valve at the welding gas distribution station with copper alloy, used in the maritime industry, 100% new products;TWIN VALVE UNIT F/OUTLET - Van chặn ống dẫn khí OX+AC ở trạm phân phối khí hàn cắt bằng hợp kim đồng, dùng trong ngành hàng hải, hàng mới 100% | SINGAPORE | CANG ICD PHUOCLONG 3 |
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