Men's 100% cotton shirt, GS21W22715, size 40, Hugo Boss Ticino SA brand.;Áo sơ mi nam 100% cotton, GS21W22715, size 40, thương hiệu HUGO BOSS TICINO SA.
RB # & Bo, details of apparel clothes, knitting, cotton ingredients: 99.80% / Lycra: 0.20% PD;RB#&Bo, chi tiết của quần áo may mặc, dệt kim, thành phần COTTON:99.80%/LYCRA:0.20% PD
Solid fry enameled beads, using a glossy enamel covering the ceramic tile products (prepared in powder form) 100% new products;Hạt tạo men FRIT dạng rắn, dùng tạo men bóng phủ lên trên sản phẩm gạch men ( đã pha chế ở dạng bột) Hàng mới 100%
Blankets 2 layer, polyester material (not cotton stuffed intestines) 200 * 230 cm size, type 300gsm, Brand: KAGOO. New 100%.;Chăn 2 lớp, chất liệu polyester (không được nhồi ruột bông) kích thước 200*230 cm, loại 300gsm, nhãn hiệu: KAGOO. Hàng mới 100%.
Blankets 2 layer, polyester material (not cotton stuffed intestines) 200 * 230 cm size, type 250gsm, Brand: KAGOO. New 100%.;Chăn 2 lớp, chất liệu polyester (không được nhồi ruột bông) kích thước 200*230 cm, loại 250gsm, nhãn hiệu: KAGOO. Hàng mới 100%.
What is the difference between Customs Data and Shipping Data?
The Customs data is well recorded by customs.
As everything goes through the customs, so the customs data is the best source of data.
If a country’s customs data is available, then there is no need to look at shipping data anymore. But not all countries’ customs willing to disclose. Countries like Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand don’t disclose at all.
Shipping data is gathered from shipping companies. Not all shipping companies willing to disclose the data. so, the completeness is not as good as customs data.
What is Trade Data Pro?
Trade Data Pro is a digital platform which collects and consolidates cross-border import and export trade data around the world. Our authoritative and comprehensive data continues to grow with trade statistics departments, and other reputable shipping companies.
What is the source of Trade Data Pro Data?
Our data is collected from each country’s customs bureau, well-known shipping companies and authoritative data providers, which includes trade information such as customs data, shipping data, company information and financial data from more than 100 countries worldwide. We have over 2 billion pieces of data covering over 100 countries, including China, USA, India, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, etc.
How Trade Data Pro can help my business?
Trade Data Pro helps business owners, traders, market operators, to generate qualified leads from all aspects of commodity trading. Assist you to monitor the competitors movements, shipping orders, import & export trading data to discover the industry trends from the actual market movements.
How frequently the database is updated?
Our database update every week but it may vary depend on different countries.
Our database include customs data, shipping data, import data, export data, trade data, statistics data and buyers database archive.
Why we should utilize trade data?
Our import export data searching platform will be a vital tool for every step in international trading to inform the decision making. You can find potential worldwide buyers and suppliers based on hs code or product name and monitor your competitor to see their trade price and trade partners.
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