Date | HS Code | Importer | Exporter | Product Description | Country of Origin | Destination Country | Port of Loading | Port of Discharge | Weight | (unit) | Quantity | (unit) | Value | (unit) | More |
2021-11-05 | Chemicals used in PTN as a substance of toxic residues in food samples N, N-Dimethyl-P-Phenylenediamine Oxalate CAS: 62778-12-5 Code: 408491000 100g / 100% new products;Hóa chất dùng trong PTN làm chất chẩn kiểm tra dư lượng độc tố trong mẫu thực phẩm n,n-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine oxalate CAS: 62778-12-5 Mã hàng: 408491000 100g/chai hàng mới 100% | BRUSSEL (BRUXELLES) | HO CHI MINH |
| KG |
| UNA |
| USD |
Date | HS Code | Importer | Exporter | Product Description | Country of Origin | Destination Country | Port of Loading | Port of Discharge | Weight | (unit) | Quantity | (unit) | Value | (unit) | More |
2021-11-05 | Chemicals used in PTN as a substance of toxic residues in food samples N, N-Dimethyl-P-Phenylenediamine Oxalate CAS: 62778-12-5 Code: 408491000 100g / 100% new products;Hóa chất dùng trong PTN làm chất chẩn kiểm tra dư lượng độc tố trong mẫu thực phẩm n,n-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine oxalate CAS: 62778-12-5 Mã hàng: 408491000 100g/chai hàng mới 100% | BRUSSEL (BRUXELLES) | HO CHI MINH |
| KG |
| UNA |
| USD |