3. Call the method connect and pass the request parameter object.ApiResult res = dpClient.connect(objectRequest);if(res.getCode().equals(ApiCode.SUCCESS.getCode()) && res.getData() !=null) {//Obtain the return value for processing.ObjectResponseresponse =
JSONObject.parseObject(res.getData().toString(),ObjectResponse.class);}4. Return code description
Country Code
The international standard ISO 3166 is applied for country codes while you may refer to the Alpha-3 code to define the selected country.
ISO ALPHA-3 codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes) are three-letter country codes from the ISO 3166-1 standard for countries and dependent territories. They are published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as part of its ISO 3166 standard.
Search by Product HS Code
Allow searching over the trade data by product HS code.